
Dacey Harlot - Bippity Boppity Babe

Added: 02-04-2024
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The video opens in an empty room, when suddenly, Dacey, a beautiful fairy godmother, magically
appears in the room. She explains that “fairy folk” keep an eye on the mortal realm, and are often
assigned to make “adjustments” on misbehaving mortals. Then she tells you she is there to fix your
immature and selfish behavior. She scolds you for staying out all night, partying and carousing with your
rowdy friends, and for seducing and taking advantage of innocent girls.
When you try to run away, Dacey freezes you in place. You are so frightened by her power, you wet your
pants! This amuses the fairy godmother, and she decides to magically put you in a great big diaper. She teases you about wetting your pants, but she also notices that being in a big, cushy diaper has gotten you
aroused! She decides that since getting off sexually was so important to you, she decides to help you cum. Only this time, as soon as you cum, she is going to turn you into a b. She tells you that such a
disrespectful, immature man was raised wrong, and he needs to start over. And then, once you’re a
drooling, babbling b in diapers, you won't remember anything about being an immature and
irresponsible grown-up.
Dacey mocks your previous disrespectful behavior towards women, explaining that now you'll be
completely dependent on those very women you disrespected, to care for you and change your stinky
diapers. She warns you that she may keep you as a b forever, if you don’t learn how to behave.
Dacey then casts a spell while counting to three and turns you into a helpless, toddling b. She coos at
you and mocks you in b talk, teasing that now, you’re just a stupid little b, standing there in your
big, bulky diapers. She thinks about it for a moment and decides to make you too little to walk. She casts
another spell, and you get smaller. You try to beg her to change you back, but you have become too little to talk. All you can do is cry.
Fairy Godmother Dacey sympathizes with you and tells you that soon, you’ll forget about your grown-up
thoughts and become a happy little b. Wait! What’s that smell? Are you using your diapers? Well,
the spell is complete. Finally, Dacey tells you that she hopes you enjoy your new life as a b!

mp4 | 1920*1080 | 917,35 MB | 00:12:30

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