
CobraCummander - Submission Reprogramming Mesmerize

Added: 30-03-2023
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Beta male submission training is a method for men to become better at submitting, being more submissive and less dominant. The purpose of this clip is to provide an introduction to the concept, outline the benefits of beta male submission training, and give some tips on how you can get started with it.
The benefits of beta male submission training include:
Less stress in your life. As you become more submissive, you will find that there's less confrontation in your relationships because people are more willing to compromise with you instead of pushing their own ideas on who they think should be doing what in every situation. This makes them happier as well!
Better control over your emotions. When someone tells us something we don't like hearing or tells us something we feel like we need to do differently than what we're doing now (which happens all the time), our instinctive reaction is usually anger or annoyance which makes the situation worse than it really needs to be if we were just able to keep calm about it like an adult does instead; but when someone else takes charge over us by telling us how things should go according to their own agenda then suddenly all these negative feelings disappear because now everything feels good again which means less stress overall!
You may be asking yourself: “what does it mean for me as an alpha male to become submissive?” Well, we think this is a good question because many men have been raised on the belief that being strong and tough are the only ways to succeed in life. However, these traits can be very damaging when applied outside of our relationships with women.
We're not saying there's anything wrong with being an alpha male but if you want more out of life than just sex then it's important that you understand what makes women happy so they won't leave you (or cheat)! And guess what? Submission training can help teach us all those things..
mp4 | 1920*1080 | 960,45 MB | 00:12:10

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