
Angela - Brown And Yellow Brown And Yellow, You Know What It Is!

Added: 31-10-2023
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In this video Angela shows up to do some housekeeping in a french maid outfit. Her ass is incredibly fat and she has a super sexy face to go along with it as well. As she is tidying up my room I cannot help but follow her around and try to get my face as close to those big butt cheeks as I can. As I daydream about eating her shit she totally catches me looking at my phone and sees some scat porn! The rest is history. This was one of my personal favorites for sure without a doubt. Her piss tasted incredibly warm and sweet and I swallowed every mouthful I could get. She also sucked my nipples and my cock with great enthusiasm, she was totally into me and what we were doing, and it shows clearly in the movie! She also produced a gigantic load of shit!!!
There was plenty to go around! She also decided to stick her fingers into my mouth and help me eat her load and scoop the shit from around my mask back into my mouth it was so so so incredibly hot!!! And then, just when ya think it cannot get any better, she tells me that she has to shit again!!! So I opened up for a second meal which was also pretty big too!!! What an amazing load she produced…also I have to be totally honest here and tell you all that her shit was probably the best tasting I have ever had the privilege of consuming. There was so much but I got it all down as she continued to suck my nipples and my dick as I swallowed what was left, I busted a giant load all over her dirty shitty ass cheeks and pussy as she spread them wide one last time for me. The movie speaks for itself…fucking amazing. Cheers.

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