
Vanessa Freitas aka vanessafreitas - OnlyFans pack - 857 clips

Added: 14-01-2025
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Businesswoman, writer, speaker, postgraduate teacher, executive coach, TV presenter and organizational consultant for the largest companies in the world. All of these assignments belonged to Vanessa Freitas's not-too-distant past. But, at the age of 48, she decided to make a change and started working as a model. Today, at 49, she is successful on Onlyfans, an adult content platform. Her profile became one of the most accessed in the first month of sales.

Before becoming the platform's muse, Vanessa, despite her extensive resume and career success, was not happy. "I was 20 kg overweight, I felt obese. I didn't do physical activity and lived for work. I was what you could call a 'workaholic', completely," she says.
Lots of fun and pleasure with the most beloved muse in Brazil from São Paulo
Explicit nudity, foot fetish, lots of content with toys and much more for you!
In 2019, based on a joke with her husband, she entered the Musa do Brasileirão competition and was chosen champion, as Musa do Ceará, gaining notoriety and almost 400 thousand followers on Instagram with the title.

At 49, model Vanessa Freitas is successful on Onlyfans!
Vanessa then dedicated herself fully to her career as a model, abandoning the corporate world: "At first I suffered a lot of prejudice, but I started to not care about the criticism. I have never been as happy and fulfilled as I am now and I have all the support I need ".

Vanessa Freitas known as “Vanessa Ser Feliz” (@vanessaserfeliz3) is a beautiful and sexy Brazilian model. The model in her prime at 49 (forty-nine) years of age, fits perfectly into the term milf, as she attracts men and women of all ages. Behind every success there is a story of overcoming, and she says she is super happy and fulfilled with the changes.

39.68 GB| 857 video, 869 image, 1 compressed

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