
Emily Valentina - Mind Control Tape

Added: 28-02-2025
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You went thrift shopping recently in the old town you moved to just less than a year ago- a town rumored to secretly be ruled by a powerful, immortal witch. The rumors are vague and strange, so it's hard to fully piece together what the legend even is- but one of the whispered stories in town says that she leaves little lures around the village to draw in new servitors. You have no clue what these trinkets might be, but there's no way something that magical would end up in a thrift store, right? You're just here to de-stress and unwind after your difficult job- so, when you spot an old VHS tape labeled "RELAX - meditation tape 1998" you pick it up and check out immediately! You have a working VHS player, and you love collecting vintage media! You're home before you know it, ready to view your latest prize- sliding the tape into the machine, you hear a "click", and the gentle, crackly noise of the audio starts up, reminiscent of an old record player. A woman appears on your screen- dazzlingly beautiful, devastatingly curvy, and bizarrely familiar. Your eyes are fixed to the screen, as through magnetically drawn, and those strange words exit her mouth- "hello, slave." You feel oddly relaxed. Have you done this before? It doesn't matter- you're right where you belong now. When did you pull your cock out? When did you start stroking? It doesn't matter- it feels good. You're ROCK HARD and your head is empty- as it should be. It feels good to say those words- what were they again? You know that they got you so unbelievably horny. Just RELAX. You're enjoying this tape so much, it's so easy to follow all of the instructions. You'll probably (consciously) forget everything that happened after your viewing is done, but you DO know that you're eagerly looking forward to hunting for more VHS tapes at the thrift store next weekend! It's the perfect way to relax on weekends- you can't get enough!

mp4 | 3820*2160 | 3,61 GB | 00:24:36

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