
Humiliation POV - Harsh Verbal Humiliation Sends You Spiraling Down The Goon Hole

Added: 31-01-2025
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There you are, yet again, stroking your cock, like the stupid gooning loser that you are. It’s literally all you do. And I know that there are two things that send you spiraling deeper down the goon hole. The first is edging. Edging just makes you dumber and dumber. And the second thing that makes you goon even harder, is harsh verbal humiliation. So I want you to edge through this entire clip and while you do, I’m going to verbally tear you apart, sending you spiraling deeper and deeper into that gooning state where you so desperately want to be. Do you think you can handle that, moron? I want you to goon and listen to the most harsh words come out of my mouth about you as you sit there and edge and go deeper down your gooning hole. Now as you stroke that pathetic dick of yours, I want you to think about the last time you had sex. Like actual sex with a girl, not jerking off to some girl online. I want you to remember the disappointment you saw on her face when she saw your cock. Not just that it was small, but that you couldn’t get it up for her. I know you’ve been fucked by porn and gooning for such a long time now that you can’t even have real sex any more. Remember that moment when you couldn’t perform, remember her disappointment, live in that moment as you continue to edge. Now I want you to think about how obsessed you are with jerking off and your fetishes where women degrade you. Your entire fucking sex life has become women degrading you. How fucking pathetic is that? And yet you can’t stop jerking to it. You’re jerking to it now. You paid for this lol! You fool! LOL! You don’t need to pay for this, any girl would do this to you for free in the real world. I’m sure it happens to you all the time already lol. Women hate you, women despise you, women degrading you isn’t just a fetish, it’s been your entire existence. And to make matters worse you cock really isn’t that big, is it? No, it’s fucking pathetic. You already know that no girl would want it, you know you’d be laughed at, and that’s why you’re here jerking off, no woman wants to fuck you. You have a pathetic fucking small loser dick and all you want to do is jerk it. It’s the source of your depression. I know. Your little dick feels so good when you’re edging it, but the truth is that little thing that brings you the only pleasure in your life is also the source of all of your internal anguish. I know losers like you who love to goon and honestly, doing that every fucking day, just makes you sadder, more depressed and more pathetic. You think it’s helping you but it’s not. It only makes it worse. But you’re so fucking addicted that you can’t fucking stop. You have nothing else to do in your sad life so you just jerk your cock over and over again just to feel good. But mentally it’s fucking you up worse than you already are. But here you are, still stroking, because you know how fucking pathetic you are. You know you can’t stop, you know there’s no hope for you. This is your reality, stroking your tiny little dick to girls that hate you. And you, my little gooning loser, you’re stuck in this cycle for the rest of your sad life. The only time you feel anything is when you watch these clips. You just spiral deeper down your goon hole realizing that you’ve yet again spent another entire fucking paycheck on women who tell you that you’re pathetic. How fucking sad. But this is all that a pathetic little bitch like you deserves. No one wants to fuck you, nobody even associates with you, jerking off is all you have. You truly are sad and pathetic. This isn’t a fetish anymore, this is your life. Jerking off to verbal humiliation is all you have, it’s the only thing that makes you feel good. You’re worthless and everything I’ve said about you is true. I know how much it’s all hit home, yet your dumbass is still stroking your dick.
Duration: 8:20s
Quality: 1920x1080 HD

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