
Astro Domina - Dick Workout Jerk Til You Drop

Added: 05-11-2024
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Are you ready to work out that cock? Well then lube up and follow my fitness routine! Goddess Sydney knows you love to jerk to her, it’s become one of your favorite past times. But she really wants you to be able to go the distance, so today she’s going to lead you through a long, intense dick workout routine. You’ve probably seen her release similar videos, but to refresh your memory, every time she pounds her ass, that’s one stroke ehe’s expecting from you, and make sure you focus on her ass the whole time so you don’t miss a beat! Don’t get too worked up too quickly however. This is a long exercise after all, it’s a marathon not a sprint, but she knows that your devotion to her ass is unwavering. Don’t worry, she’ll give you a short break here and there, but you’ll be expected to jerk and jerk and jerk until you’re sore! No pain no gain right? After this workout, your cock will be trained exactly the way she wants it! Make sure to follow along throughout all the exercises to get the most benefits from this workout. She will lead you through some steady stamina building exercises as well as some more rapid fire strength building, all while you get a magnificent view of her ass just inches from your face. You might be tempted to lose focus, but if you stick to the plan and last throughout the whole workout you’ll get that cock in shape in no time!
Duration: 41:0s
Quality: 1920x1080 HD

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