
Goddess Elisa - Blocking ejaculation

Added: 16-04-2024
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Has been a long time since I used this flat shoes, it was all peeling and dirty, I had to stop the video for a moment to clean my feet that were full of flat shoe dirt. Anyway, I took advantage of the cockbox and put my slave's cock in it so I could do whatever was on my mind.
I started with my flat shoe, tried to squeeze my slave's dick against the cockbox with my weight, I'm still amazed at how much a dick can take, I really didn't imagine it was like that. I squeezed the slave's stick under the soles of my flat shoes, placed the slave's cock between my feet and the flat shoes until it slipped out, but then I took the cock again and placed it between the flat shoes and my bare feet again and again.
Until I take off my flat shoes and I'm just barefoot. I masturbate my slave as fast as I can so I can perform an experiment: I masturbate my slave and as soon as he cums I put my weight on the cock so I can block his orgasm hahaha it worked! I stay for a while with my full weight on the slave's cock while he cums and when I retired my feet there's an explosion. Imagine a lot of liquid trying to get through something and it gets blocked and when it comes out it spurts out. AMAZING! I want to do it more often and from other angles.
mp4 | 1572*1028 | 482,05 MB | 00:16:10

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